Saturday 27 August 2011

The Psychological Impacts of Skin Disorder, Vitiligo

Having the skin disorder, Vitiligo appears not to be the hazardous life threatening disease as a cancer is but it certainly has the devastating psychologically damaging effects on human confidence and self image.It has been learnt that the psychological impact of vitiligo happens to be something which appears to be quite personal and is actually not lessened by generating comparisons with other conditions or counting someone luckier not suffering from the disease like cancer or being in the wheel chair instead.

The Psychological Impacts of Skin Disorder, Vitiligo

Thursday 25 August 2011

Repigmentation of Hands and Feet

The tiny spots of the skin disorder, vitiligo begin appearing around hair follicles during the treatment procedure. These tiny spots then start getting larger and larger and if all goes pretty fine, they will start overlapping and the patches begin to fill in.

Repigmentation of Hands and Feet

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Home phototherapy’s comparison to hospital based treatment

The studies show and the researchers have revealed that the home phototherapy is fully comparable to the hospital based ultraviolet B treatment for psoriasis patients.Home phototherapy is called the safe and much effectual treatment being as hospital-based treatment.The researchers who did the research finally made the conclusion, saying, “We regard home ultraviolet B phototherapy to be a worthy alternative to standard outpatient ultraviolet B phototherapy for patients with psoriasis.”

Home phototherapy’s comparison to hospital based treatment

Monday 22 August 2011

Cell harvesting device for Vitiligo treatment

ReCell is called the novel single-use medical device which has been generated as an ‘off the shelf’ kit to harvest the autologous skin cells which are obtained from a thin split thickness biopsy. This procedure of this harvesting provides the instant cell population consists o junction to make the delivery on the surface of the wound so as to an effectual healing of the wounds can be prof keratinocytes, melanocytes, fibroblasts and Langerhans cells which get reaped from the epidermal-dermalmoted.

Cell harvesting device for Vitiligo treatment

Sunday 21 August 2011

How Beneficial Black Light (Wood’s Lamp) is in Vitiligo?

The rare thing about the skin disorder Vitiligo is that the areas where the pigment got lost due to the vitiligo glow or fluoresce under a Woods Lamp often called Black Light. At 365 mm (nano-meters), a standard Wood’s Lamp generates UV light and this might be placed in use for many applications.Often on the crime shows, where the police place the forensic team to test the blood and other body fluids like sperm, this is actually done with the use of a Woods Light.

How Beneficial Black Light (Wood’s Lamp) is in Vitiligo?

Friday 19 August 2011

Vitiligo patients can be treated with Parsely, Celery and Bergamot Oil

It is noticed that Psoralens are presently used for the treatment of the patients of vitiligo and Psoriasis. The Psoralens are put into use as photosenstizers enhancing the skin reactivity to long wavelength ultraviolet radiation 320 to 400 nm, it happens to be an effect used in photochemotherapy or PUVA.It is seen that Methoxsalen (8-Methoxalen, Ammoidin, or Xanthotoxin) makes reaction with DNA and then nhibits cell division. Methoxsalen might enhance the pigmentation through some action happened on melanocytes (pigment producing cells).

Vitiligo patients can be treated with Parsely, Celery and Bergamot Oil

Thursday 18 August 2011

Negative Effects with Skin Disorder, Vitiligo

With vitiligo, the skin disease which creates the white spots on the body,many negative effects are associated with it. The disease brings up the white spots on the body. It is witnessed that these kinds of white areas normally come up in designs and these designs possess three types.The first one happens to be the actual focal design where the depigmentation takes place inside the restricted region.Second one is called the segmental design where the white areas appear on the single aspect from the whole body structure.

Negative Effects with Skin Disorder, Vitiligo